If a carpet consisted entirely of frills, it wouldn’t be a carpet. Just a chaotic mess of strings. It’d feel overwhelming to even look at. So would your life. When there are too many frills, you have no space for what’s important. No actual carpet to walk on. That’ll wear you down fast. Hence, frills are worth trimming on the regular—but every now and then, frills can also be the whole reason you begin.
Maybe the part of baking a cake you most look forward to is adding the sprinkles at the end. That’s fine. If that desire can carry you through all the other steps, by all means, go ahead! I’ve written blog posts solely for the cool GIF or cover image I could stick on top of them. Not every venture needs profound justification. You don’t need to walk on carpet your entire life. Only most of it—and sometimes, it’s fun to step into a mess of strings.
Don’t be afraid to take one for the feels. If the play around the edges is what makes an activity seem worthwhile, that can be all the reason you need.