Jim Carrey can sum up his spiritual awakening in one sentence: “I used to be a guy who was experiencing the world, and now I feel like the world and the universe experiencing a guy.”
When you allow your ego to be in the driver’s seat, your life is nothing more than a video game. You’re one of eight billion players, each one completely lost in their “I’m the main character” arc. You constantly worry about where life will go and how you can bend its natural flow to your will. That’s not only doomed to fail. It’s also exhausting.
“Everybody walks around,” Jim continues, “and they go: ‘Why am I depressed?’ It’s because you’re trying to be something for the world. As soon as you let that go, better things happen — because they’re just happening.”
Whenever you’re worried about money, about what people will think of you if you do a certain thing, or whether your big dream will ever come true, remember: You’re not Nik, or Bertha, or Claude, playing the same zero-sum game every other person is playing. You are life experiencing itself in its infinite glory through a unique human form that happens to bear your name. Focus on the vast, cosmic adventure flowing through you, not the petty limitations of your custom-assembled body.
Everything is perfect as it is, and whatever you need, it’s all there. The only thing you need to do is be present for the experience. Be life witnessing itself, and no matter what happens next in your life, it’ll always be part of a larger plan you’ve long agreed to — and then all that’s left will be to sit back and enjoy the show.