How I’m Going to Wake Up at 5 AM Every Single Day in 2016 (& How You Can Do It Too) Cover

How I’m Going to Wake Up at 5 AM Every Single Day in 2016 (& How You Can Do It Too)

Do you know those annual review posts household names publish every year?

Like Pat Flynn’s annual income report (I’m sure he cracked $1 million this year, go Pat!).

Or James Clear’s annual review.

Well, what about those?

They suck!

They’re supposed to be inspiring and helpful.

But the truth is, you’re nowhere near having any of the problems these guys have.

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Habit Review for 2015

Tomorrow 2015 will be over.

I remember January 1st as if it was yesterday.

Interesting theory:

The reason each year seems to fly by faster than the last is that as you age, each year represents a smaller portion of your life.

Here’s a visual example:


If you’re 1 year old, one year is your entire life. If you’re 14 years old, one year is only 7% of your life.

And so on.

That means at 42 years old, a year is only 2% of the time you’re alive, and it gets less with every year!

Seems to be true for me, and while I always ponder about the happenings of the last 12 months during those last few days of the year, I thought I’d take those ponderings public this time.

Since this is a blog about habits, why not make it a habit review?

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3 People, 3 Stories & 3 Ways To Break Bad Habits (Which Type Are You?)

“Ha, that’ll never work! I know a better way.”

Rick thought he was smarter than the rest. Yet again. But we’ll get to it.

Today I want to introduce you to three old college friends of mine.

Just like you and me, they struggle with bad habits.

Recently, however, all three of them successfully broke a bad habit.

Even though the habits were very similar, each of them used a very different approach to breaking their habit.

Letting go of bad habits is not a straightforward task, and the process looks different for everyone.

You and I can learn a lot from how my three friends did it, so I asked them to share their story with me.

Here’s what they told me.

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14 Good Habits You Should Instantly Pick Up From The Minions Cover

14 Good Habits You Should Instantly Pick Up From The Minions (Featuring Animated GIFs)

Minions is the third installment in the Despicable Me series.

If you haven’t seen or heard about the movie, you should. Because Minions is the 10th highest grossing movie of all time.

Do you know how hard it is for the third movie in a trilogy to outshine its predecessors?

It’s the reason why Avengers 2 is behind Avengers and why the first of the Hobbit movies was the most successful of them all.

So how do you go from not being on that list with the first movie, to spot number 26 with the second, to the top 10?

You double down on what works.

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Why Trampelpfad Is the One German Word You Should Remember (For Boosting Your Willpower) Cover

Why Trampelpfad Is the One German Word You Should Remember (For Boosting Your Willpower)


Want me to say it again?


Want me to actually say it?

YouTube video

The first half of the word “Trampel” comes from the verb “trampeln” which means to stomp.

As in “When we told the kids they weren’t allowed to watch TV, they ended up stomping up the stairs in frustration.”

The second half of the word “pfad” simply means path.

Therefore, a Trampelpfad is a path, which has been created by people stomping along the same trail.

You can most often find a Trampelpfad in the woods, and it looks like this:

Image via Unsplash by Jens Lelie

Why am I telling you this?

One, because Trampelpfad is an awesome word and there’s no proper English word for it and two, because it will help you remember what I’m about to say next.

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Toxic Habits Cover

7 Toxic Habits to Let Go Before 9 AM

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” — Buddha

When you wake up, does your brain go straight into overdrive? Do you feel tempted to snooze? Do you think about all the things you have to do today and start worrying about what could go wrong?

Not long ago, I didn’t want to leave my bed either. I’d browse the web on my phone, read some emails, and procrastinate. Often, this meant I’d already be late by the time I finally did get up. I would rush into the shower, get angry about stubbing my toe somewhere, and end up with no time to eat.

When I arrived at work for my internship, I was already feeling behind, so the best I could do was spend the rest of my day trying to “catch up.” That’s not the frame of mind you want to operate in.

Now, however, I know exactly what the first hour of my day looks like. I don’t even have to think about it because it’s a set routine, and that’s wonderful. My internship is over, and so are my chaotic morning — because I made a deliberate change.

My morning routine makes starting the day easy, and it sets me up for success. There’s no perfect day, but if you’re prepared to have a good day — every day — that’s a great place to start. How you spend the first hour of your day determines how you spend the rest of it.

Before you can add new, good habits, however, you must let go of the bad ones. Here are seven toxic habits you can drop. Don’t bother with these, especially not before 9 AM. Doing so will make you feel calm and happy as you start your day.

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