How To Make Sure You Never Find Your Passion In Life Cover

How To Make Sure You Never Find Your Passion In Life

Has anyone ever asked you for directions and you were too embarrassed to admit you don’t know? So much in fact, that you tried to tell them where to go regardless? Just to save your face?

“Uhhh, I think it’s that way.”

That’s what most career advice feels like these days. Nobody has a clue, so everyone goes with their best guess — which is everybody else’s best guess also.

Hence, we live in a world of depressed millennials, which is permeated by two ideas:

  1. Only once you find your passion can you become really good at what you do.
  2. This passion will magically carry you through years of hard work, because suddenly, every day will be fun.

If you’re fine with putting your life into the hands of chance, then you can stop reading right now.

Or, you can flip both of these ideas on their head.

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The No Game Cover

The No Game: How To Figure Out What You Want

Being 25 is hard. When you look at the big truths that roll around the quarter century mark, it becomes easy to see why ‘quarter-life crisis’ has become a thing: Your happy, careless, worry-free, post-teenage phase is definitely over at this point. You’ve already spent 90% of the time you’ll ever spent with your parents and closest family.

However, you still have the majority of your own life ahead of you…but no idea what to do with it.

The land of opportunity has never been this big. If you own a laptop with an internet connection, you have more production power than a 200-person company had in 1970. This power is so great that it paralyzes us.

Petrified by the paradox of choice, we can’t decide whether we want to become a freelance Facebook ad designer, surf novel writer, or start a cupcake business – because we know all of it is possible, we think we want each choice equally as much. Like Buridan’s donkey, we’re just as hungry as we are thirsty, stuck between hay and water.

Or are we?

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14 Good Habits You Should Instantly Pick Up From The Minions Cover

14 Good Habits You Should Instantly Pick Up From The Minions (Featuring Animated GIFs)

Minions is the third installment in the Despicable Me series.

If you haven’t seen or heard about the movie, you should. Because Minions is the 10th highest grossing movie of all time.

Do you know how hard it is for the third movie in a trilogy to outshine its predecessors?

It’s the reason why Avengers 2 is behind Avengers and why the first of the Hobbit movies was the most successful of them all.

So how do you go from not being on that list with the first movie, to spot number 26 with the second, to the top 10?

You double down on what works.

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