How To Get Better At Networking

Here’s how most people approach networking:

“Uh-oh, our Kickstarter is about to launch and we have zero people on our email list. Let me go to some networking events, hopefully find 2–3 influencers I can do something for, and then they’ll share.”

These people do find influencers. The problem is they see right through this sham. And then these people lose.

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How To Come Up With Great Billboards Cover

How To Come Up With Great Billboards

I want to share a series of billboards which I think are great because:

  1. It makes you think about and compare two brands, pick a side and stick to it.
  2. It’s reactive in that the advertisers responded to the feedback and kept the momentum going with new billboards — this is rare, most billboards are static and get old fast.
  3. It won across channels, went viral online and had built-in community participation.

I hope you love cars as much as I do. Let’s roll!

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