It’s good to share your struggles. When I have a problem with work, money, or a personal issue, I write about it. But if rock bottom lasts for a while, I need to find other topics. You can’t moan about the shitty job market every day. You can’t play only supporter cards. After doing so a few times in various places, I can feel even myself getting tired of it—and readers notice it too.
Some cards are more durable than others. Plenty of doomsday writers find a new catastrophe to shout from the rooftops every day. And though fear-mongering might be profitable in the age of clickbait, at the end of the day, it’s still just one card. How fatiguing it must be to read about the world ending on a daily basis. Who’d want to do it forever only to see the world still spinning every morning? So eventually, even that card will run out.
A person who sees racism at every corner won’t overthrow the social system. Like a false alarm, they’ll simply be ignored, and that will hurt their credibility when they really need it. Life isn’t Uno—and even that game only has four of each kind. Don’t keep playing the same card.