Go Big and Go Home

Sometimes, you’ll end up doing both.

For my take-home project for a job application, I’m pulling out all the stops. Instead of just summarizing an existing presentation, I’m creating a custom one from scratch. I’m including my notes, story structure, and a full list of image sources and references. I’m even recording the whole thing on video, which is not part of the task at all. Why? Because I care.

I want the job, of course. But there’s also something about an opportunity to be creative, to show my work, that I can’t resist. Most people fail most rounds in most job interviews. But even if it’s most likely you’ll go home, that’s no excuse to not go big—in fact, it’s a great reason to go as big as you can.

It is also the only way to guarantee that whatever happens next, you’ll face it without regrets. Go big and go on, or go big and go home. I guess sometimes, bigger indeed means better—and when it comes to our effort for the things we care about, it is a surefire path to victory.