It’s easy: You just have to really, really focus on where you want to go. Maintain that focus long enough, and your presence will be so poignant, you’ll fit through even the tiniest gap.
The problem is we can’t summon that kind of focus whenever we’d like. Unless life paints us into an extra-threatening corner, our eye will always veer to the periphery. But if you’ve ever miraculously pulled off a great escape from danger or a new job out of an empty hat at the last minute, you know: You can pass the needle’s eye—you just can’t do it every day.
Actually, that’s not a problem. You’re not meant to run on 200% adrenaline year-round. You’re not supposed to operate with blinders on at all times. Often, the scenery is where the magic comes from. On an average day, you can still walk towards your destination, but you’ll also pull in ideas and allies from your surroundings. This is the best and most sustainable way to travel.
Going at warp speed comes at a price. Pay it too often, and your entire being will get warped. Trust your brain and body to guide you through life’s inevitable needle eyes—but don’t ever force yourself to hold your breath for too long.