Look around where you are right now. I guess you are reading this on the big screen of your computer at work, sitting in your height-adjustable office chair, coffee mug right next to you. Or maybe you are at the library, checking facebook, using their free wifi during a study break. Unless you are already home for the day, cuddled up on the couch in your pajamas with your iPad, freshly delivered pizza in the still warm box sitting on your lap.
Wherever you read this, I am betting you are knee deep inside your comfort zone.
I’ve been there. Often times I still am. But then I remember that I must leave it.

Before convincing YOU to leave it, I would like you to do one thing. No worries, you won’t have to get up (yet). As in the article I talked about, rate your happiness on a scale of 0 to 10. Where do you land? Look at the important areas of life: