Real Victories

My career has now been pummeling me for the better part of a year. Four Minute Books lost 80% of its traffic and revenue. None of my attempts to diversify have worked. I’ve sent out 40 job applications, and so far, I’ve had one chat with a recruiter. Needless to say, I’m due for a win. But what is a win?

When it comes to your life, work, and happiness, victories are like rainbows: You’ll know one when you see it. You might not understand why the rainbow appeared when and where it did, nor how exactly it was formed, but you have conviction in your gut: This is a rainbow, and it’s an amazing event to witness.

If you can’t make it big, focus on the small,” they say, and of course, stacking little wins matters—but sooner or later, you need a real victory. Sometimes, these victories tarry. They take their sweet time while you’re stuck in the rain. But be they as long a time coming as they may, real victories are worth holding out for. Don’t give up on karma too soon.

I’ve been collecting lots of Pokémon cards. Beating video games. Connecting with other writers. I’ve been working on my next book, updating my blog, and finding new readers for my personal writing. These are all great, but none of them have the same oomph as landing a job, launching a product to much success, or cashing out a big sum from a great investment. I don’t know how long it’ll be until one of those pops in, but—just sayin’, universe—I’m ready.

Not all big wins come from working hard, and truth be told, when you’re starved enough for one, it also won’t matter. If we can try our best with bad results, we should also enjoy the good outcomes we may feel we haven’t earned. The important part is to keep believing.

You remember the feel of a real victory, don’t you? Cement that memory in your heart. It’ll keep you searching long after you think rainbows have become extinct, and sooner or later, even if it’s very, very late, the sun and the rain will once again collide.