Relevant Notifications

When the Pokémon hype gets real, trying to buy new card sets throws me right back to the 90s. Except instead of driving to a store on release day, hoping to get some product, I’m checking various Discord servers and online shops ten times a day. “Is it live yet?” Naturally, I often end up missing the five-minute window in which listings go up and immediately sell out.

“Why don’t you just have your phone ping you?” you might say. For one, there’d be plenty more notifications than I’d actually want or need. And for another, most of those extra pings would seriously derail my day. It’s a tough needle to thread.

When you can be notified of everything instantly, the consequence of saying yes is constant overwhelm. That’s why I turned off all notifications on my phone years ago. Unless I unlock it and open certain apps on purpose, I won’t see anything. But when there are scenarios where you’d want to know about just the right topic at just the right time, you’ll also miss out.

You’d think we’d have this figured out by now. That technology would be smart enough to tell you only about certain keywords being mentioned in certain channels. I think it is—but it’s not in companies’ best interest to allow you to do this at scale. Who’d be glued to their screen consuming ads if everyone could just filter it all down to the minimum? So custom work is needed. You either do it, or you go back to the 90s. Same slow, manual process, slightly different modalities.

The world spins slower than we think. New problems are usually old ones in a different dress. Let’s see when we get relevant notifications.