Same Idea, Better Take

Without realizing it, I wrote the same post twice. Sort of. In “Mood and Music” and “Moods & Music,” I followed the same idea: Your mood should affect your choice of music, but your choice of music can also affect your mood.

There’s only a one-month gap between the two iterations, but the second one is shorter. Punchier. More sophisticated. Even without being explicitly called to the mat, my inner editor showed up for round two and said, “Let’s refine this.” It’s cool to see it working without forcing it.

Whether you forget what you wrote about or not, sometimes, your second take is better — even if the idea hasn’t changed. Don’t be afraid to try the same thing again. To repeat yourself or make a similar mistake. You never know when your timing will be excellent, and you’ll still learn something new when treading on old paths.