Why get out of bed when you might get fired today?
Why eat breakfast when you have to eat it again tomorrow?
Why take the car to work when a truck may squish you before you get there?
Why say ‘hello’ to your co-workers when you see them every day anyway?
Why try to make your customer happy when your salary will be paid regardless?
Why get fish for lunch when you could get sick from it?
Why ask the cute girl from IT for coffee when she might say no?
Why go to the doctor when he might tell you you need surgery?
Why read a book when you have TV?
Why plan a surprise party for your friend when she knows it’s her birthday?
Why stay longer and finish the report when you can do it tomorrow?
Why take a plane to Japan when it might crash on the way there?
Why make a Youtube video about sneakers when no one might watch it?
Why cook dinner with friends when processed meals are so cheap?
Why watch a movie with your kids when they move out one day anyway?
Why kiss your wife good night when you’ll still be married tomorrow?
Why go to bed late when you can work on your idea next week?
There’s one simple reason most of us choose to do all these things:
Because being alive is about taking chances.