Watch the Credits

My girlfriend and I just finished It Takes Two, a creative co-op game in which you must navigate different areas of your own house in order to save a family from falling apart. After the final screen turned black, I sat there for a good ten minutes, watching the credits roll.

I don’t always stay for the full “who made this”-list at the end of a movie in the cinema, after I’m done with a video game, or whenever a long Youtube production comes to a close — but I try. It’s nice to pay your respects to the people behind a work of art, even if they can’t hear it. Plus, the extra five, ten, 15 minutes give you some time to breathe. To reflect on what you just witnessed and let it sink in.

Rolling credits are only one, if perhaps a more formal, kind of appreciation. So are name tags, the little signature in the corner of a painting, and the “you were served by…” line on your restaurant check. Take note of these notes. They’re the rare breed truly worth acknowledging.