With a Twist

Shake Shack gives you the same crinkle-cut fries as many other places, but instead of ketchup, they put an amazing cheese sauce on top.

The Indian breakfast place I just went to serves you a typical English breakfast roll, but instead of white bread, they put it all into naan.

Yesterday’s coffee place offered hot chocolate with some espresso, but instead of normal milk foam, they garnished it with a tiramisu-flavored, thick whipped cream.

Many of the cool things in life—and even some of the best—are just the classics with a twist. Adding melted sprinkles may not turn your dish into the next big trend in desserts, but it could. And even if it doesn’t, it might bring happiness to a good number of people, if only for them knowing your delicacy is a local treat they can’t get anywhere else.

It’s okay to try and reinvent the wheel, but you don’t have to, and you definitely needn’t start there. Begin with a twist, and watch what happens next.