Is It an Interruption or the Point?

I’m usually the first one out of bed. By the time my girlfriend gets up, I might have brushed teeth, done some push-ups, meditated, and written a blog post. Whenever she does wake up, however, I take a few minutes, go back to bed, and say good morning.

Sometimes, when I hear her yawn while I’m halfway through typing what I think is a good sentence, I catch myself thinking, “Uh-oh. Why now?” But then I remember: This is not an interruption. It is the entire point. A big reason why I wanted to work for myself is so I could take time for the small moments which, in reality, are the big moments anyway.

For every one time parents roll their eyes when their kids run up to them with yet another discovery, there should be at least two when they remember: “Oh. Right. This is why we had kids in the first place, and, actually, it’s awesome!” Not always, but sometimes, what starts as an interruption turns out to be the magic you were hoping for all along.

It’s easy to feel rushed when you know something else is coming. When that something else is important, however, it should also be easy to let go of that feeling. Plus, there’s usually enough time to finish your sentence, type out a few notes, or at least mentally say goodbye to whatever you were doing — which is exactly what I’m doing now so I can say good morning to something, or rather someone, else.