You Might Be Glad Later

A friend of mine wants to build a cabin out in nature to rent out and maybe even turn into a full-blown lifestyle brand business later. At our annual Mastermind meeting with another friend, we convinced him to shoot some video footage of our AirBnB. They’re walking through the house right now, and he’s narrating as he goes along.

At first, he wasn’t so convinced of the idea. “Maybe you’ll use it for a Youtube channel to start growing the brand,” I said. “Maybe you’ll use it as a reference while constructing your own cabin later,” the other friend said. Our friend is camera-shy and doesn’t love talking on video either. It took some nudging, but eventually, he went for it. I’m 100% sure he’ll be glad he did it later — even if all he does is watch the video back one more time and feel proud of his accomplishment.

Even for the projects and work you’re excited to begin, not every part will be easy. Not every step will feel comfortable. But what you can always take comfort in is the chance that you might be glad you did it later on. Often, that expectation alone creates some of the effect.

It’s okay to be nervous when stepping into the unknown. But as long as you can see a glimmer of potential in there, try to take the step anyway. You may not feel like a fish in water now, but you might be glad later — and sometimes, that has to be enough.